tl;dr @aSeppoToTry@Seppo.Social ๐
Publish short texts and links, and socialise in the Social Web (a.k.a. the Fediverse).
All by renting a ๐ก web space, uploading a single file and you're set!
You can do this yourself without the help or permission of others (But feel free to get advice and assistence).
Download & Install
Start with the download and the 3 steps described at ๐ฑ Installation
How can I do that, that's for experts, isn't it?
Allow the comparison with cycling: Building a bike is ambitious and only few can do that. But riding one makes sense for many. If it is robust and durable, chances are, you can ride for years with little maintenance and without repair. Likewise it takes a lot to responsibly operate (let alone build) an entire internet-server. And the more complicated, the more difficult to operate and maintain.
The solution is to leverage cheaply available commodities, focus, omit secondary things and make housekeeping smooth and safe. For both, human and machine.
What may I say with #Seppo?
Everything permitted by law. And what is fine for you to see again decades later as an unexpected boomerang ๐ช. Be kind.
Since you operate #Seppo yourself, you are beholden to no one but public law and friendly manners. Because you don't need assistance, nobody else has a say. You and only you are accountable. The technical ease of #Seppo becomes an empowering asset โ along with the Social Web / #Fediverse / ActivityPub integration.
What is one's own bike on the internet
- independent operation without outside help (apart from renting general purpose web space),
- 'ownership' of the space & name (rented),
- freedom of expression (e.g. German Grundgesetz, Article 5), i.e. there are no restrictions through general terms and conditions or other terms of use, third-party codes of conduct or similar. Local laws of server location and place of residence apply,
- few functions, just sufficient for post & like of texts, pictures,
- no maintenance (no security updates necessary), simple deactivation by deleting files.
So what next?
Try out @aSeppoToTry@Seppo.Social ๐, send some posts, follow from other social web accounts and see how it federates.
#Seppo! currently can:
- [x] edit profile[1]
- [x] be subscribed[2] (followed)
- [x] create[3] posts[4]
- [x] edit posts[5]
- [x] delete[6] posts[4]
- [x] share links
- [x] (un)subscribe[2] (follow)
- [x] (un)block[7]
- [x] like[8]
- [x] spread[9] posts (announce/boost)
- [ ] reply & show replies
- [ ] share images
- [ ] Firefox bookmarklet to share/boost/reply
- [ ] talk to
- [ ] talk to
Non Goals
To achieve it's simplicity and safety of operation, #Seppo makes some painful design decisions and sacrifices features taken for granted elsewhere. Some things #Seppo! doesn't do today and maybe never will are:
- [ ] formatted messages (html markup, markdown, TeX, whatever)
- [ ] keep incoming posts longer than 90 days
- [ ] provide activitypub (pull) content for the general public (you can only interact with posts you got as a subscriber)
- [ ] information & statistics about what you liked โค๏ธ
- [ ] bookmarks
- [ ] thousands of #Seppos on one machine
#Seppo! is influenced by
- Permacomputing Principles[10],
- The Imperative of Responsibility[11] (Hans Jonas),
- Tools for Conviviality[12] (Ivan Illich),
- A Plea for Lean Software[13] (Niklaus Wirth).
How #Seppo! works
There is a technical description How #Seppo! works.
- ActivityPub: 4.1 Actor objects, back^
- ActivityPub: 7.5 Follow Activity, back^, back^
- ActivityPub: 7.2 Create Activity, back^
- Activity Vocabulary: 3.3 Object and Link Types: Note, back^, back^
- ActivityPub: 7.3 Update Activity, back^
- ActivityPub: 7.4 Delete Activity, back^
- ActivityPub: 7.7 Reject Activity, back^
- ActivityPub: 7.10 Like Activity, back^
- ActivityPub: 7.11 Announce Activity (sharing), back^
- the Permacomputing Principles, back^
- the The Imperative of Responsibility (Hans Jonas), back^
- the Tools for Conviviality (Ivan Illich), back^
- A Plea for Lean Software (Niklaus Wirth), back^
- Activity Vocabulary: 3.1 Activity Types: Announce
- Activity Vocabulary: 3.1 Activity Types: Create
- Activity Vocabulary: 3.1 Activity Types: Delete
- Activity Vocabulary: 3.1 Activity Types: Like